Saturday, February 4, 2017

Glory to GOD in the Highest Lyrics with Chords

Glory to God in the Highest (Schutte) (Lyrics and Chords) [Gloria] Dan Schutte Intro: D A/C# Bm F#m/A G Em7 Asus4 A Refrain D ... thumbnail 1 summary

[Gloria] Dan Schutte Intro: D A/C# Bm F#m/A G Em7 Asus4 A Refrain D A/C# Bm F#m/A Glo_ry to God, Glo...thumbnail 1 summary

Glory to GOD in the Highest

Intro: D A/C# Bm F#m/A G Em7 Asus4 A

D A/C# Bm F#m/A

Glo_ry to God, Glo_ry to God,
G D/F# Em A
Glo_ry to God in the high___est
D A/C# Bm F#m/A
And on earth, peace on earth
G D/F# Asus4 A Dsus
Peace to people of good will

(Repeat twice)

Em A D D/F#
We praise You, we bless You
Em/G A D D/F#
We a-dore You, we glo-ri-fy You
We give You thanks
A/G D/F# Bm7
For Your great glo - ry
Em F# Bm Bm/A
Lord God heavenly King,
G Em Asus A
O God Almighty Father
(Repeat Refrain once)

Em A D D/F# Em/G Asus4 A D
Lord Je - sus Christ, on - ly Be-got-ten Son
Em Asus4 A D/F# Bm G D/F# A
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father
G Asus4 A D/F# Bm
You take away the sins of the world
Em D/F# Em/G
Have mer – cy on us
G Asus4 A D/F# Bm
You take a - way the sins of the world
Em D/F# Asus4 A
Re - ceive our___ prayer_
G A D/F# Bm
You are seat - ed at the right hand
Em F# Bm Bm/A
The right hand of the Fa - ther
G Em Asus4 A
Have mer - cy on us....
Repeat Refrain once)

Em A D D/F#

For You al- one are the Holy One
Em/G A D
You alone are the Lord.
D/F# G A D/F# Bm7
You al - one are the most__ High
Em D/F# Em/G A
Je- sus Christ.
D F#7 Bm Bm/A G
With the Ho- ly Spi- rit, in the glory
D/F# Em A
Of God the Father

D A/C# Bm F#m/A
Glory to God, Glory to God,
G D/F# Em A
Glory to God in the high - est
D A/C# Bm F#m/A
And on earth, peace on earth
G D/F# Asus4 A Dsus Dsus4
Peace to people of good will

Em D/F# Em Asus4 A Dsus4 D
A - men, A - men


We give thanks to you O GOD, We worship you with all our heart, we are very much thankful
and happy to have you in our lives, for giving us guidance and take away the SIN.

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